
You clicked at least 2 links with the desire to know me better to get here. I am flattered. So here is the spiel.

I was born and raised in Delhi, India. I have always had this sense of wonder about the world. I grew up reading a lot. Mostly fiction. Hard SciFi, High Fantasy, you get the idea. I was good at academics and my parents kinda lemme do whatever I wanted. Ever since I was 10 I had my own room ,no oversight and an internet connection(yeah ik could have been a disaster). I discovered so much. From the VlogBrothers to Richard Feynman. Changed so much. For the better. Mostly.

I recently graduated with a CS degree. It was challenging and fun tbh. Mostly cuz of the absolutely cracked people I met here and a few passionate profs. These days I write firmware for enterprise servers. Servers you definitely have interacted with unless you live under a rock(how are you reading this then?).

This blog is just me. I decided to put myself out there more. Share my honest thoughts and opinions. Who knows maybe I will say something profound that changes someones life? If not at least a part of my consciousness will be in the future AGI training dataset. Not bad eh?