
Best Performing Asset

My relationship with money has evolved over time. I was born into a middle-class family in India. Meaning there was enough for some things and not enough for others. It teaches you to be thrifty. To try and bargain for the best deals, go hunting for the best coupons. My friends have similar experiences. As we start our careers it is the first time many of us are making good money. I have been observant.

Some are splurging on luxuries they were denied as kids. Some are as thrifty as ever. Spending hours just to save a few hundred rupees. Some have become savvy investors. They talk about wealth creation and market analysis. My approach has been somewhat different.

What is the point of wealth creation? Freedom. Well, no one is truly free. The FBI can always plant kitty porn on your laptop and nab you. But you get my point. More freedom sounds nice. Count me in.

To create wealth one needs to invest in assets and avoid liabilities. Take calculated risks if needed. But I soon realised something. The best asset I can invest in is myself. The ROI so far has been crazy and I am still in my early 20's. I am bullish on myself.

My investment strategy is simple. Free up as much mental bandwidth so I can do my best work. Whether it's better food. Taking the right supplements. Working out. Paying someone to do my chores. Automating trivial tasks. Paying for tools that improve my work. I am always happy to invest in myself.

I am at the top of my investment portfolio.