
Egoless Convictions

Convictions are important in life. If you don't have strong convictions you will find yourself going wherever the next opinionated and charismatic person you meet points you. But it is important to choose them wisely.

What if your conviction is that penguins can fly, they only need the right motivation? So you spend your life trying to give motivational speeches to penguins. Hoping one of them will fly. You will even meet people with similarly strong convictions. Form a strong community. Make derogatory memes about the 'others' who believe in things like the 'scientific method' and so on.

And your ego attaches itself tightly to your penguin motivator persona. So anyone trying to challenge you is attacking you and your community. So you viciously attack this person back. Congratulations. You are now in a toxic pointless echo chamber.

The only solution is selecting convictions using first principles. Employ the scientific method. Be open to being challenged as long as the challenge comes through solid first principles thinking as well. All the while keeping the ego in check.

So in essence develop an egoless conviction. Be open to being challenged. Don't end up in pointless toxic echo chambers.