
Is technology Bad?

Late 18th century in Britain a great technological shift happened. The industrial revolution. Which led to a bunch of small European countries enslaving the rest of the world. Hunting natives for sport, exploiting their lands for resources, selling them and more. My country was also one of the colonised ones. Do we blame the industrial revolution for this?

Okay lets say the industrial revolution never happened. Would such atrocities and pain be avoided? Then what about Genghis Khan and his murderous rampage? That happened much before the industrial revolution.

Is it technology or is it human nature that is the culprit. I believe the root cause is human nature. Technology is a force multiplier. It is the people who use it. Evil is amplified to mass destruction, good is amplified to mass liberation.

Technology is agnostic. I believe that technology will solve this fundamental problem with human nature. Because such thinking gives me hope. Gives me agency. Maybe I can make a difference as well. In my own little way. That I can contribute.

I am an optimist I can't help it.