
Metrics Of Success

Everyone wants to be successful. Yet the metrics of success differ. In some groups being technically great with your engineering skills is the most sought-after prize(ie: being cracked). In other groups, it would be creating a product that people love. Yet in others, it would be fitness or oratory skills.

It is important to decide what metric or metrics of success you want to chase after in life. Introspect to find what is meaningful to you. Otherwise, you will just end up coopting the closest metrics meaningful to the groups you frequent. This is why choosing the right 'environment' becomes so essential.

Yet how you define your life as being a 'success' is a deeply personal thing. You can't let something external influence it. You have to guard against such influences actively. Even if the influence comes from the 'right' group.

For most of us this metric of success defaults to being money. Makes sense as the biggest group we are part of is a capitalistic society. I am not here to shit on money. For many people, money is the main factor that will change their lives a lot. But only up to a point. Money is a byproduct of the value you create in a capitalistic society. Unless you are a bloodsucking vampire(aka banker).

Elon Musk said it best - "I tested that even if everything fails I won't starve to death because I am in a first-world country. So I just focused on what things would impact humanity the most and went all in on them."

It is important to choose the metric of success most meaningful. If it is purely money so be it. But make it a choice of your own.