
My Internet Home

Today I want to talk to you about my internet home. Back when I first started on the internet it was a very different place. Much more kind. Less fake. And I was lucky to stumble on to a video on youtube.

You see, I was a harry potter nut. Like everyone other fan I was waiting for JK Rowling to drop the final book. Yt recommended me a video by this guy called hank green. Its was his attempt to strong arm Rowling into releasing the book with the power of song! Here.

That is how I stumbled across vlogbrothers. Two brothers. Hank and john green. Made videos to communicate with each other. One from each every week. They are both passionate nerds. Soon they had a following of similar people. A community. We call ourself nerdfighters.

Hank is more the science brother. He taught me a lot about first principles thinking and the scientific method. He introduced me to his favourite teacher as well. Richard Feynman. I used to corner my cousins and friends and just talk science to them. You can blame hank for that.

John is the older of the two. He is more of the literature/economics type. He writes fiction. Stories that have made me cry. Given me strength and hope at times I needed them the most.

I have been part of the community for 16 years now. So much has happened. From Johns struggles with OCD to Hanks recent cancer diagnosis (he is in remission). Both of them became dads! Celebrating Pizzamas every year with the pizza john mustache! Esther-day were we celebrate nerdfighter Esther Earls birthday who we lost to cancer. We are a community in the real sense of the word.

I am lucky to call nerdfighteria my home. The internet has changed a lot. Yes, I have had to deal with my share of negativity. But it is good to have a home. Where someone is always waiting for you with a warm cup of tea and a smile on their face. I will end this like how john and hank end every video/podcast.

"As they say in our hometown, don't forget to be awesome!"