
Professional Moat

People talk about moats in the context of a startup. A moat is a unique advantage you have over the competition. It can be IP, a cracked team and culture or just getting the first movers advantage and capitalising well on it. But as a working professional, it is important to have a different kind of Moat.

A professional moat is your own edge. Something that gives you the confidence to not take shit at the workplace. To push for projects you want. To be able to stand up for yourself and your fellow workers. Most people don't have a moat. Psyoped into a lifestyle they can't afford they are completely dependent on their salary.

How to build a strong moat? Be capable enough and have a good enough network so you can get a new job with one phone call if need be. Have multiple sources of income. Side hustles. Reduce financial dependency on that one job.

And sometimes a moat can be as simple as having loving parents with a home you can always go back to if things don't work out. Mostly it comes down to a mindset. Some people are willing to go work in a Mcdonalds if it comes to that. But they won't take shit from you.

Having a strong mindset gives you a strong moat. Everything else is just adding layers to it.