
Here are some of the projects I have done. Not including work done in internships or job as they are hard to replicate outside the org. Hope these are helpful for others who want to learn these sorts of things. Also feel free to dm me on Twitter about them and ask specific technical questions, happy to reply and help you out.

1.Edk2: A lot of you have asked me how to get into firmware development for enterprise servers. Or what does that even mean? Edk2, an opensource repo handled by intel does just that. I wrote a bunch of medium articles explaining how to get started with it and stuff a while ago I made a post here compiling everything. As of writing them, these are the only articles online that go beyond the simple hello world UEFI tutorial.

2.Research in Computer Architecture: I spent a year doing research about Non Volatile Memories(NVMs) and how to make integrity checks faster in them. Came up with a novel Bonzai Merkle Forest Topology. Implemented and tested on real system simulation using GEM5. Wrote a paper on it which is about to be published. I never intended to share code on this cuz it's messy and I felt embarrassed. But after reading this from an openAI researcher I feel proud of my messy ball of cpp. Will share it after it's published along with the paper(My professor will have a heart attack if I make it public rn). I also wrote a blog post sharing an incident from my year of research, this was around the 7-month mark.Here.

3.Nand To Tetris: Basically made a working computer from just Nand gates. I took this on Coursera. Was suspicious of this course at first as being a watered-down CS degree but was pleasantly surprised. I wrote a blog about it once as well. Here.

4.Pronunciation Learning Software: Real time speech processing with almost 85% accuracy done entirely in c using hidden markov models. It was part of a course I took in college called Speech Processing. At the end of the sem we were divided into teams of 3, had to come up with a business use case and make a working software that solves it. My team chose to make something that can teach kids how to pronounce words the right way. Hit those dopamine centers with a scoring system and a colourful UI. The main sauce is in the test.h and form1.h files. All the math is implemented right in the code and is very satisfying to look at.

5.Chess Engine: So one day I thought it would be cool to make an AI that could beat me at chess. I refused to just use some import in Python and solve this using 'ML'. It is very unsatisfying as an engineer. So I made a proper chess engine like the Deep Blue of old that beat Gary Kasparov.

6.Competitive Programming Resources: Used during my cp days. Has my Codeforces submissions and some handy codes I wrote in the codeLibrary folder. You will find some advanced algos I implemented there as well.