
Smart Generalist

A bear in a circus is interesting. So is a juggler and a man on the unicycle. A bear on a unicycle juggling swords on the other hand is something extremely unique. Something you would pay good money to see. A smart generalist is kinda like that.

A smart generalist is a person who is 80/20 across multiple fields. This means they have reached 80 Percent understanding/capability across multiple fields leveraging around 20 percent of the effort that would typically be needed to fully master it. It makes them unique.

The primary skill of a smart generalist is the ability to get from 0 to 80 in a new field quickly. They can quickly identify high ROI leverage points of a subject. It is a learned skill. They also have strong convictions that anything can be learned and learned fast. Even things considered 'tough' by society.

On the other hand, we have the cracked specialists. People really good at one thing. Getting to the frontiers and advancing human knowledge. Creating absolutely beautiful works in that 'one thing'.

It is a sliding scale. We all lie somewhere between a specialist and a generalist. But we could all do some good to realise we are not limited. We can do multiple things if we want to. It is easy to be hemmed in. To define your identity as 'Software Engineer' or 'Writer' or 'XYZ'. That is what school teaches -'Specialisation'. But humans are versatile. We are the OG general intelligence. Capable of adapting and doing multiple things.

Don't forget the 'General' in General Intelligence.