

I saw a little kid the other day laughing and playing and I found myself wishing her well in life in my head. I wished her happiness and good health. I wished she wouldn't go through much suffering in life. But then I stopped. Is it good to wish that? Is suffering something good? Even if it is, it is hard to wish someone suffers. Sounds horrible.

Yet if I look back at my life it is the painful parts, the parts full of suffering that have made me who I am. Given me strength. Made me comfortable being me. There is a strength only a person who goes through suffering and makes it to the other end has. It is knowing that even if everything goes sideways at this moment you can handle it.

You can choose to suffer as well. Waking up every morning and going to gym might be suffering for you. But this is not the suffering I am talking about. Such suffering can be 'hacked'. You can change your perspective on it. Learn to enjoy it even once it becomes a habit.

I am talking about the kind of suffering that comes unannounced. Real suffering. A loved one in the ICU. Depression. Homelessness. These cannot be 'hacked'. A perspective shift only gives you strength to weather through the storm. But you can't deny the situation is shitty.

I would never wish such a thing on someone. Much less a little girl. So this is what I ended up wishing in my head for her - "If you find yourself suffering, I wish you the strength to go through it. Come out on the other end. With scars yes, but a solemn strength that you can weather any storm".

And dear reader, I wish you the same.