
The wet squishy Computer

Thinking of your brain as a wet squishy computer that can be programmed is a very powerful concept. I first came across this in Scott Adam's "How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big" book. It is a powerful framework in more ways than I can count and helped me a lot over the years.

First it it is related to the growth mindset. You are not limited. You can program yourself to do anything. Don't like the taste of broccoli but need to eat it for your diet? No worries. Program in the new taste settings. Sounds weird but once you do it a few times you get used to it. Especially for the small stuff.

It is harder to program against long-held beliefs that have become a part of your identity. Takes a system reboot(dopamine detox) or extreme programming skills. A lot of self-belief is needed as initial activation energy as well. A skill issue that you can level up and resolve. If you have changed something big about yourself ever you know what I mean.

This framework gives you a sort of awareness of the programs being fed into you as well. You are always being programmed by yourself or society. You program yourself in the form of self-talk and the actions you take throughout the day. Society programs you in subtle and obvious ways. Keeping you distracted and running on the hedonic treadmill.

This is a framework that gives you a lot of agency. Hands the power to you. The best benchmark to recognise a top-tier framework. Try it.