
Do the work

There is a lot of well-meaning advice on the internet, including this blog. Gives you some new insights. Maybe some insights you knew and had to relearn. It makes you feel good. And you move on to the next advice without ever implementing it. I know, I have been there.

Just do the work is probably another advice people will read, feel good about, and move on. But as a recovering productivity addict, I have to say this - 'Stop reading all kinds of cool things about how to do great work, feel good about yourself for a few days or hours, and not change a single thing in your life'.

There is a lot of alpha in just doing the work. If you are not doing the work. JUST DO THE WORK. All the nifty tricks and mental models and whatnot are just icing on the cake. They are supposed to make the 'Just do the work' part easier with time. But you gotta get started.

Start in a dumb inefficient way but start. You are better than the guy reading about all this and not doing anything.