
Environment Matters

The best advice I got in college was from a senior. "Pick the teacher not the course" he told me. This was contrary to the general method. Everyone picked a course based on how lenient the grading was or interest.

I respected the guy so decided to follow his advice. I chose 'Computational Complexity' as an elective. A subject I had no interest in. The Prof was known for strict grading and the material was supposed to be really tough. It was all theory. No practical coding. On paper it was the worst choice I could have made. It turned out to be the best course I ever took.

In my college you can sit for am elective course for first week or two before committing to it. Kind of like window shopping for knowledge. So I decided to check the course out. I knew nothing about it. Had no interest as well. It quickly changed. The Prof teaching it had a passion that was infectious. He would encourage doubts. If someone asked something silly he would say "ah! it seems trivial on the face of it but reveals deeper complexities" with a happy glint in his eyes. There were no stupid questions in his class. So I chose the teacher not the course. Going with my gut and my seniors advice against all common sense. Only 11 other people in the entire college took the course.

I had the most fun in those classes. Learned so much. Fell in love with formal proof writing. Had my mind blown several times. The extra class hours spend absorbing the material, making my way through new proofs felt effortless.

It taught me a lesson that I always keep in mind. Environment matters. The people you surround yourself with matter. Whether in work or personal life. Anything can become interesting, profound and world changing if done with right people.