
Lil Babies

I have been listening to JRE for a long time. There are some common themes. Chimpanzee obsession, humans as biological boot-loaders for AI, and looking at people as babies.

The last one is a powerful idea. Basically in your day-to-day interaction when someone is being really difficult and mean, the first instinct is to be mean back to them. To put out the fire with fire. It never works out. A great idea is to pause and visualise them as babies. I personally visualise them as little kids throwing a fit.

How do you deal with such kids? You are gentle and firm as the situation requires. Maybe discipline them in the right way if needed. Look at their viewpoint and try to align incentives. Maybe you are in the wrong?

The point is, if a little kid is mean to you, you don't take it personally. People (generally) are not mean to little kids back out of spite. You don't hold grudges against them.

It is an awesome framework that does wonders for your peace of mind. Do give it a shot.