
My Experiments With Flow

Flow is a state of extreme focus. A sort of getting lost in the work. The hours and minutes pass by and you don't even notice. It is the best state to do some good deep work.

Over the years I have experimented with flow on and off. I started with it inspired by books like :

I started because I wanted to get more done in less time. But over time realised something more, if I spend some part of the day in a flow state it makes me happier. Flow need not be just in work. But can be talking to people or even a workout.

Some techniques help me ease into flow much easier. Like the Feynman technique. Especially when I am learning a new topic. I usually take a pen and paper and start explaining it to myself. Walk around talking to myself. I am the student asking the questions and the teacher answering them with help from the source material.

Flow is not just for optimal work but something that will make you happier as well. Optimize your day to have those few precious hours of flow. Learn about yourself enough to find techniques that help you ease into it.