
Take The Next Step

Reality is messy and uncertain. Sure I can sit here with a confident smile, my expertly collected data, cute charts, and nice straight lines extrapolated into the future. I can give you the most intelligent-sounding BS ever. But honestly, I have no idea what will happen. None of us do. There are only guesses. Some are more likely than others.

A lot of mental power goes into grappling with this uncertainty. I have been a victim of this many times. Listening to 'expert' opinions. Worrying about what will happen. Making sure I am moving in the 'right' direction. It is not necessary.

Wherever you are in life you have a clear next step. It can be as simple as just doing 10 pushups after waking up. We all have some intuition about which direction we want to take our lives in. Do it. Take the next step. Don't worry about the future and what will be relevant or not.

Are you not clear on your next step? What I have always seen work is choosing the right environment. Making choices in life that get you close to cool people doing cool stuff. It pays off in more ways than I can count. Make your next step something that brings you closer to that.

Wherever you are in life focus on the next step and start executing.