
Problem Solver

People who ask me wether I am worried about AI taking my job. I only have one answer. "I am an engineer I solve problems."

I didn't say I solve problems using code. I just solve problems. I am impartial to the method. It can be writing code, managing people or just straight up violence(batman?). Whichever works best. My job is to find inefficiencies in a system and make it better. The system can be anything. Humans, finance markets, servers. As a problem solver I can take up any role. I am not limited. I do use AI, to make my problem solving pace faster. It is pretty cool and will only get better.

But what if it can solve problems just like me? Much better at spotting these inefficiencies. It has its own agency as well.I am not needed. Well. Do I have access to it? If yes I will just use it to solve my problem of being 'irrelevant'. You see my point.

Anyways if it reaches that point we need to have a conversation as a society. AI can just solve problems on its own better than any human. It is energy effective to use as well. Then we can just have fun in a nice utopia. Or a dystopia. If it ends badly.

I am rooting for the utopia. I would just tinker with stuff as a hobby. Solve problems using not required complex but elegant solutions. Many times a simple low tech approach is the best way to solve a problem. I will leave those solutions to the AI. And just have fun.

TLDR: Be a high agency problem solver. If AI can replace that, society will change drastically anyway so chill.