
Proof Of Person

It was always perplexing to me how some colleges would give a full-ride scholarship for STEM programs to athletes. It just didn't make sense. They are good at swimming not at math or science right? But college is a place to learn. The bet is not on what they have done but on what they can do.

These places look for someone who has worked hard and achieved the top percentile in something. This may be sports or a competitive exam. The belief is that they can replicate this success in other endeavors as well. What they are looking for is 'proof of person'.

This goes for a job or getting investors for your startup as well. They are taking a bet on the person for the most part. They need some assurance that the person is capable. Interviews or Initial meetings can be gamified. Nothing guarantees that the person is not just a one-trick pony. What you want to see is a pattern.

A work history or the college you graduate from plays a big role in this. Certain places are known for the people and the standards they have. You have to be at a certain level and for long periods to not just survive but thrive in these places.

The best thing you can do is keep doing the work and sharing it. Building a network. Can be online/offline. Have that undeniable stack of achievement. A solid proof of person.