
Setting Process Goals

Say you want to be a YouTuber. Why? You love the fame and the money. Want to rub it in the face of that high school bully. Maybe you just want to share your passion with a lot of people. Whatever the reasons, if you set the goal as "I want to be famous and make money through YouTube" you are likely setting yourself up for failure.

Why? It is an outcome goal. It focuses on the end goal rather than the process that gets you there. You will constantly be failing at your goal till you give up. Here is a better goal - "I will deliver quality content for my viewers". See how this goal directs your attention to the process that gets you what you want rather than the outcome.

And here is an even better version - "I will make 100 good videos and make sure to improve on something each time". It is more specific. It gets you started with the process and improves each time instead of being stuck at making your first 'quality video'.

'Don't have outcome goals' is not what I am saying. We are all humans. Most of us are doing it for the outcome. Or the outcome at least matters significantly. The money. The impact. But if you want to increase your likelihood of hitting those outcome goals the best bet is to make a solid process goal that gets you there.