
Skill Issue

The term skill issue is thrown around Twitter a lot. It comes from gaming culture. If you can't beat a level. It is a skill issue. Just level up and win. If you think about it, it is a powerful term. It gives power to the player.

Applied to life everything is a skill issue. Can't do the perfect juggle? Skill issue. Can't write awesome distributed performant code? Skill issue. Can't convince a penguin to try your awesome new ice cream? You guessed it. Skill issue. It is a powerful mindset. Gives you extreme ownership.

But there is a catch. Do you take ownership of other people's shitty behavior? No. You can take ownership of the triggers and environment you perhaps created to lead to that shitty behavior. Especially if you are in positions of power to have a big impact(ie: manager/CEO). Otherwise, constant shitty behavior is their burden to bear. Avoid such people. People rarely change and you don't need the negativity in your life.

Here the skill issue is effectively able to isolate and weed out the negativity. This is purely in a professional context. In a more personal context, things are a lot more messy. I don't have an answer for that which works. A skill issue on my end. Need more life experience to resolve it.

Make everything a skill issue and just level up!