
Writing Like No One Is Reading

My favourite posts are my early posts to this day. 'Ice Cream Computers' being the one I had most fun writing. It has been a month and a half since I started writing here and the blog has gotten popular. Mostly through the screenshots I post on Twitter.

Knowing that a large set of people would read my writing impacted my writing for a few essays when I first hit virality. The council of distinguished gentlemen was called(aka close friends). The topic was put into motion. Result? I should write like no one is reading.

Sounds good. Doesn't work. I can't help but think of my reader while I am writing. I want more people to read my work. Call it vanity or call it craftsman's pride. I want to create content to capture the 'me' who is scrolling on Twitter. Does not care about essays by someone called 'Kartikay'. I like the challenge of capturing attention and delivering something valuable in the writing space of a screenshot.

It is a fun challenge. And the best thing? It feels like play.